Category: Asthma

How Your Child Can Handle Asthma Flare-Ups At School

A parent with a child who has asthma understands how much communication there must be between you, your child, and their school. If your child is old enough, they should know how to use his or her inhaler, when to use it, and when to ask for help. Younger children need a bit more intervention, and your task becomes more complicated. Let’s discuss how your child can handle asthma flare-ups at school.

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How to Help Your Child Avoid an Allergic Reaction at Summer Camp

When you have a child with severe allergies, every new day brings the risk of an allergic reaction. This risk multiplies when a child leaves the comfort of their home for adventures at a sleepaway summer camp.

Do not panic. Your child can certainly make it through the summer without an allergic reaction, but it is always best to be prepared.

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Why Is My Child’s Asthma Worse At Night?

Life with a child who has asthma can be frightening when they have a flare up, but it is compounded when it occurs at night. Waking up hearing your child wheezing and coughing not only disrupts everyone’s sleep, but it could mean a trip to the hospital. Many parents wonder, “why is my child’s asthma worse at night?” Let’s get some answers about what is sometimes known as nocturnal asthma (NA).

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Immediate Care For A Child’s Asthma Attack

It can be difficult to ascertain if your very young child has asthma, so it’s important to watch for symptoms, note when they occur, and report those to PediatriCare of Northern Virginia. Our offices treat asthma. An asthma attack in a young child can be quite frightening, and the immediate care for a child’s asthma attack can prevent a life threatening situation.

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